Sunday, September 21, 2014


pour red Kool-aid in the shower head use a Kool-aid single pack (it works best)
then it looks like blood is comming out after you put it in or you can place a Lifesavers candy in it, then put the head back on and also remove the shower head and place a chicken bouillon cube in it, then put the head back on. if someone pissed you off and you want to be a real asshole and get them back put salt in it


Using a photo editor, two pictures are blended together to create flat image of a head, which is then laminated and submerged in a jar. When the flattened image in inserted into the curved jar, along with the distortion from the water, gives the illusion of a decapitated head in a jar of preserving fluid.
Here's what you need to make your own:
  • Photo editing software
  • Large jar
  • food colouring
  • printer + access to lamination service (local print/copy store)

 Replace Oreo cream-filling with toothpaste and offer one to someone.    


 Put a ballon on the tailpipe of a someone’s car so it will pop when they start their car or pour vegetable oil on the exhaust of someone’s car so it will smoke when started up.


 Fill someone’s hair-dryer with baby powder


 Put marbles in the hubcaps of someone’s car. ( or small rocks
 can be used )

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